two different image of same artist next to guitar

Unbreakable Spirit and broken hip bone

Featuring crackerjack @Lucija Romanova During her residency at @L’OBRADOR Espai de Creació For the making of Broken hip and the unbreakable spirit Filmed & edited by yours truly #UrbanFakirfilms

Deltebre Dansa 2021 Festival | Trailer

Established in 2004, Deltebre Dansa Festival is a unique event where thousands of people and hundreds of artists around the world interact and live this special, avant-garde, multicultural and high-quality experience.

P de Partida

2 Proposicions Danza Teatro presents P de Partida, a theatre play which wonders where is chance, fortune, in this walk that is life. Where does our power to decide and change the future start and end?