because i love the diversity (this micro-attitude, we all have it) TRAILER

Because i love the diversity

In because i love the diversity (this micro-attitude, we all have it), Rakesh tells the story of his own journey through the powerful semi-improvisational, trance-like movement technique that makes him such an in-demand teacher across the world. What does it mean to make a performance about this for an art festival, which is part of …

DELTEBRE DANSA 2021 _ Summary Film

DELTEBRE DANSA 2021 | Summary Film

Deltebre Dansa Festival is a unique event where thousands of people and hundreds of artists around the world interact and live this special, avant-garde, multicultural and high-quality experience. 2021 edition had some surprises because of the current world situation but still magical. It was an amazing journey to be part of the team and to …


DELTEBRE DANSA 2022 | Summary Film

Deltebre Dansa is one of the European festivals of reference within contemporary dance, circus and performing arts. Each summer, it gathers thousands of people and hundreds of artists from all over the world to live together and enjoy this unique, multicultural and high-quality experience, which represents a cultural oasis of openness and avant-gardeness. 14 days …